Rules for Submission |
- Apply to the Secretary of the Council for a set of Submission Forms, informing him whether it is a wage or grievance issue.
Examine the form carefully and note what is required by the Council.
Representatives of both parties should be present when the form is filled out. This procedure assures the Council of receiving factual information. Only one form, signed by both parties, and three copies shall be returned to the Council.
Between the time of filing and the time for hearing, the regional Officers of both sponsoring organizations may assign an Interim Committee to assist the local parties in resolving the remaining issues.
The parties will receive notice from the Secretary advising them of the time and place of the Council meeting at which their case will be heard.
 So that the Council Members may become familiar with each case before them, the parties should file briefs (4 copies) with the Secretary of the Council. In addition to the hard copies, attendees are required to upload electronic copies of the agreement, briefs and signed submission form to Case Management. Maximum file size for the upload is 50Mb. Files larger than 50Mb are usually the result of high-resolution scan. If you are using a scanner, please scan source documents at a lower resolution before uploading. If briefs are filed, a copy must be furnished to the other party so that oral arguments may be prepared by each party. While the briefs need not be elaborate or in legal form, they should clearly state the position and arguments of the parties on each of the issues in dispute.
The representatives of the parties who appear at the hearing will be given an opportunity to present oral argument citing additional information to what is already in the brief, and to answer any questions asked of them by members of the Council. While personal appearances are not mandatory, the parties are strongly urged to have representation at the hearing so that all facts in connection with the case can be developed. If either party will not be represented at the hearing in person, he may, after reading the other party’s brief, send a written rebuttal to the Secretary in time to be presented while the case is being heard. No exchange of rebuttals is required.
The Council also requires that 4 copies of the current approved agreement and amendments be filed.
The paper work is due no later than midnight on the 1st of the month in which the session is being held. Refer to Standing Council Policy No. IV for the deadline for submitting the Submission Form, Agreements, and Briefs.
The Council on Industrial Relations exists primarily to serve the Electrical Contracting Industry, the nature of which is such that its local labor agreements are primarily multi-employer agreements containing terms and conditions uniquely applicable to work of the Industry performed in the jurisdictions of numerous Local Unions. Therefore, the Council formula envisions cases for adjudication to be submitted by a Local Union of the IBEW and/or the appropriate NECA Chapter, or other multi-employer bargaining agent, on behalf of anyone, or all, of its members. However, where no multi-employer bargaining agent exists, the Council may elect to accept, upon receipt of a written stipulation, a case involving an individual Employer and a Local Union of the IBEW. The Council may also elect to accept, upon receipt of a written stipulation, a case from some other segment of the Electrical Industry where a Local Union of the IBEW is involved.

A separate request form for each case to be presented before Council must be submitted.
Timely notice must be given to the other party of intent to file case.
All items presented to council must be postmarked and uploaded to Case Management on or before the 1st day of the month in which the hearing is scheduled including the following items: one properly signed and three completed copies of submission forms, 4 copies of the current approved collective bargaining agreement and amendments, and 4 copies of briefs and exhibits that will be presented.

Additional Requirements for Unilateral Submissions
An invite must be given, either with the notice of intent to file, or by separate letter to the other party, in writing, to join in the submission of the case. A copy of this invitation must be given to the Secretary of the Council.