
The Council on Industrial Relations (CIR) exists to provide a forum for the peaceful resolution of labor disputes in the electrical contracting industry and by the mutual agreement and sponsorship of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) and the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA).

The services of the Council are available to either or both parties to a labor dispute whose local labor agreement provides for this means of resolving negotiating or grievance impasses. The Council encourages and supports local agreements. The Council does not solicit business. It exists to serve the industry and to help resolve only those issues upon which an impasse has been reached. Use of the Council should not be abused, nor should it be used as an excuse for not exhausting every possible effort by both parties to resolve disputes locally. The Council was never intended to be a substitute for the development of good faith labor-management relations on the local level.

If you are wishing to use the services of CIR, please read through this web site. To schedule the next session of the Council, you must request submission forms from the Secretary of the Council according to the rules as set forth in your collective bargaining agreement and under the CIR.

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Session Schedule:

Next Session (2025):

May 13th – 15th


Hilton Washington, D.C. Capitol Hill
525 New Jersey Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20001
(202) 628-2100

Future Sessions (2025)
August 19th - 21st
November 18th - 20th

Council on Industrial Relations, Office of the Secretary
900 Seventh Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20001
202-728-6165 Email
© Copyright 2008-2019 CIR. CIR is a registered trademark. All rights reserved. CIR is co-sponsored by the IBEW and NECA.